Monday, September 21, 2009

Lesson on Adjusting- Art Deleault.

Its funny how the things people lecture or teach you are never the things that stick in your mind. I was sitting in my college composition class when my teacher was talking about how each clock in the school was set to a different time, and instead of thinking about it negatively he said, “Life is one big adjustment—adjust to it.” This struck me as interesting.

Think about it. How many times do we try like hell to make the world adjust around us instead of making changes so miniature to adjust ourselves around those changes in our lives. Maybe we do adjust; Maybe we even adjust to situations more than we realize. Maybe adjusting is second nature, but how often do we complain about these changes instead of adjusting to them?

Again, think it over; it all comes back to the clock on the wall. Make it work. Make the change instead of waiting for the world to change for you, even if its waiting for your class to start five minutes late.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is intense. That quote basically sums up how ive been thinking for the past year. WOAH
